The following is our most detailed standard POD and shipment disposition file format. It is typically sent via email, and can be sent either hourly (when data is available) or daily. Once you are ready to begin receiving data in this format, please send email to specifying that you want to receive the gen-full format, give us the email address to which you want it sent, and let us know the schedule (hourly or daily) on which you want us to generate the data.
The file uses standard CSV (comma-separated values) format.
Name Field Max Size, Format/Notes ========================================================== Our internal shipment identifier 11 IBC's HAWB 11 only digits Customer Reference 11 Full HAWB 40 [optional] creation date 10 YYYY-MM-DD origin 3 contents 3 either DOC or APX destination 3 airport code outlying 1 X if outlying city number of Pieces 3 weight 8 in pounds value (declared for customs) 7 in USD terms 1 collect amount 8 insured amount 10 description 200 service code 2 service text 25 packaging 1 account number 4 account name 30 [optional] DLS station 3 [optional] DLS account number 12 [optional] DLS account name 30 consignee line 1 35 consignee line 2 35 consignee street 1 35 consignee street 2 35 consignee city 35 consignee state 20 consignee phone 15 disposition code date 10 YYYY-MM-DD disposition code time 4 HHMM disposition code 2 disposition text 63 (meaning of the code) POD date 10 YYYY-MM-DD POD time 4 HHMM POD 25 Optionally: shipper name 30 shipper contact 20 shipper address 1 25 shipper address 2 25 shipper city 25 shipper state 2 shipper postal code 10 shipper country code 15 shipper phone 15 Optionally: history date/time 16 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM history type 1 types: A: creation G: received at gateway B: bagged for manifesting M: manifested T: disposition code P: POD U: other update history Station 3 history User Login Name 8 history User Full Name 30 Optionally: comment text 512 comment entry station 3 comment entry user 8 comment entry date 10 YYYY-MM-DD
Because of the number of variations possible in this file (optional fields and optional data blocks of events and comments) we do not have samples files available online. If you feel that this format is the one you will need, then once you submit the request and it is approved, we will generate a sample file for you with your data based on the exact options you choose.